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How can I smooth my hair permanently at home?

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When it comes to permanent hair smoothening, usually the first thing that comes to mind nowadays is a straightening session at a salon, along with the smell of all the different hair products, the heat from all that hair ironing, and the exhaustion of sitting still for hours. A new hair care routine starts after the appointment, which involves using specific sets of shampoos and creams as well as a commitment to daily brushing and having less exposure to the sunshine or other harmful elements, all due to the increased vulnerability of the hair strands.

Sure, the end result is often a very desirable sleek and pin-straight hair, but as most perfectionists would say, would it be possible to reap all the benefits of hair smoothening without having to go through this much trouble, possibly from the comfort of our own home? It would be a good idea not to expose ourselves to the COVID in a public salon after all.

In this article, we start by explaining the procedure of hair smoothening, then we go over all the different ways to achieve permanent hair smoothening at home, compare the pros and cons and help you find the best experts around you so you can make the best decision for the well-being of your beautiful hair!

What Is Hair Smoothening?

 Hair Smoothening
Hair Smoothening

Before answering that question, we need to understand the cause of frizziness. Hair curls up because of the formation of disulfide bondings at a molecular level. The types of hair that intrinsically produce more sulfide molecules are prone to be bent as they gravitate towards each other to bond. 

Hair smoothening is the process of getting rid of these disulfide bondings, either by breaking them down using chemical dissolvents, mechanically locking them straight, or preventing them from forming in the first place. Then we apply neutralizers to preserve this situation as long as possible until newer untouched hair grows. You can also read this article: How To Grow Your Hair Faster, Stronger And Healthier.

The different permanent hair smoothening methods depend on one or a few of these strategies to battle frizziness. Some try to replicate the chemical war, and some tend to use their natural abilities to keep the hair straighter. 

Hair Smoothening vs. Hair Straightening, What is the difference?

Hair smoothening and hair straightening are two different procedures that follow the same goal: giving their user a sleeker, straighter, softer hair that is free of frizz and looks much less curly. They roughly stick to the same processes to achieve these beauty goals. However, their most significant difference is the extent of change applied to the hair during each treatment. 

Hair smoothening does a relatively temporary alteration to the hair strands to keep them straight for a few months, and the hair will usually find its natural shape after some time. It is a great choice for people trying to get rid of some curls or flyaway frizz and those who have damaged their hair and want a full repair and replenishment of their hair strands.

Unlike hair smoothening, however, permanent hair straightening totally changes the whole structure of the hair strands by breaking down the hair molecules completely and rebonding them back by adding loads of protein and using the heat of the ironing. Then, stronger neutralizers are added to fix the hair in this position for months. 

Due to the strength of hair straightening, it is considered a last resort for people with extreme curls and higher levels of frizziness. The results are genuinely permanent because the hair is totally changed, and you would have to wait until the growth of new hair to get your natural state back. It is a complex, long, and highly chemical treatment that has to be performed by a professional and needs thorough aftercare to take care of the manipulated hair structure. You can also read this our article about Permanent Hair Straightening At Home .

Is smoothening good for hair?

Smoothening is always a better option than straightening
Smoothening is always a better option than straightening. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

No question changing your natural hair type comes with a price, and we are not talking about the high expenses of salon treatments.  

Using different chemicals to alter the state of your hair will remove it from bondings that keep the integrity of the strands. This results in hair that loses its moisture faster and is more prone to breakage, scalp itchiness, hair splits, and overall hair loss. Another side effect of chemical smoothening products is inhaling their emissions, especially in the closed environment of a bathroom, which will probably be the place to perform permanent hair smoothening at home. 

Luckily, there are far less harmful methods to achieve straight hair at home. If you decide to stay away from factory-made products, most other methods pose a smaller threat to you and your health. There are plenty of different ways to reach your beauty goals cautiously, but the safest option is definitely using homemade remedies to perform permanent hair smoothening at home naturally. 

How can I permanently straighten my hair naturally?

How to Straighten Hair Naturally
How to Straighten Hair Naturally. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

When it comes to natural permanent hair straightening, the goal is to prevent the disulfide bondings from curling the hair by adding more protein between the sulfides or adding acidic materials to perform the dissolution using natural ingredients found in most kitchens. Usually, these materials are paired with a natural emollient to act as a  neutralizer and preserve the smooth effect as long as possible. That is why most masks used for permanent hair smoothening naturally are combinations of two or more materials. 

There is also another school of thought for natural permanent hair smoothening: using ties, bands, and different tools to prevent the bonding of the molecules mechanically. These methods usually use time and the airdrying as their preservation tactic and last as long as your next shower. But they are some of the oldest tricks that have been used for centuries to achieve straighter hair.

So the strategy is similar to chemical straightening procedures, with the difference being the usage of less harmful and toxic components instead. We will break down some of the most popular remedies and homemade masks for permanent hair smoothening naturally at home.

Which home remedy is best for hair smoothening?

Banana + Honey Mask

Banana & Honey Mask for hair smoothening
Banana & Honey Mask for hair smoothening. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Banana is known to be one of the most effective natural moisturizers and nourishes your hair with loads of proteins and other enriching materials to give you sleek, smooth, and shiny hair. And then honey, which would never cease to improve any hair routine, brings its exceptional protection qualities to the table. Honey is incredibly powerful against spoilage and all kinds of harmful materials. Once it covers the hair, it shields it from excessive sun rays and other pollutants and helps keep the moisture and nourishments in the strands. Mix banana and honey to a smooth paste and apply it to your hair for 30 mins, then wash it gently to feel the benefits right away.

Milk + Honey mask

Milk & Honey mask for hair smoothening
Milk & Honey mask for hair smoothening. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

We have all seen how milk appears to be in almost every protein-based diet as it has one of the most significant sources of protein compared to other materials. Milk helps smoothen your hair by refreshing it with protein and softening the strands by bringing an adequate amount of fat. Honey plays the usual role of an emollient here and seals the goods inside the scalp. When mixed, the resulting mask is usually more watery than other masks, which means you can have it on your head for up to 2 hours, enjoying all the added benefits as much as you can.

Coconut Oil Aloe Vera Gel

Coconut Oil Aloe Vera Gel for hair smoothening
Coconut Oil Aloe Vera Gel for hair smoothening. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Coconut oil is another fantastic nutrient source for enriching the strands with the necessary materials, restoring protein, and repairing damaged hair. It softens the scalp and helps aloe vera gel reach the hair shafts. Aloe vera is one of the best natural moisturizers that hydrates the hair and helps with smoothening by adding special enzymes to the mix. To make the mask, you need to apply some heat to the combination, stir the mixture, cover your hair with the mask, and wash the hair after 40 minutes.

Hot Oil Massage Treatment 

Hot Oil Massage Treatment
Hot Oil Massage Treatment . Image courtesy: Shutterstock

We just talked about the excellent benefits of coconut oil and its nourishing capabilities and how it softens the scalp by penetrating the skin and making it ready for absorption of the beneficial elements. This hot oil massage treatment involves another oil, commonly known as castor oil. 

Castor oil’s specialty is how it sucks the humidity around it and keeps it around the hair. It moisturizes the strands and prevents dryness and frizziness to keep the hair shiny and straight. Just mix the oils and warm up the mask to the extent that it feels warm but not hot. Keep it on your head, massage it for 30 minutes, then wash it off with mild shampoo. 

Coconut Milk and Lemon Juice

Coconut Milk And Lemon Juice For Hair Straightening
Coconut Milk And Lemon Juice For Hair Straightening. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Coconut milk is another product of the miraculous coconut, which does wonders to your hair. Coconut milk is an excellent source of fatty oils and contains several vitamins and minerals to nourish and soften the hair. Just like coconut oil, It also acts as a refill for the hair’s protein sources to help smoothen the hair. Lemon juice uses its acidity to soften the hair and rejuvenates it by getting rid of the damaged skin and hair parts while improving blood circulation by adding vitamin C to the scalp.  

You would need to refrigerate the mixture of a tablespoon of lemon juice and a cup of coconut oil overnight and apply it for 30 to 45 minutes the day after to benefit from the fantastic features of this mask.

Tying your hair with hairpins

Tying your hair with hairpins
Tying hair with hairpins. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Hairpins have been used as means to lock the hair straight to the scalp for many years by Argentinean women. The procedure starts by partially drying your hair to have damp hair that does not have water dripping from it. Then, using hairpins, you would have to prevent the hair from curling by pinning small segments of the hair to the scalp over and over again until all your hair is straightly pinned around your head. Then, by keeping it this way overnight and waiting for it to be dried naturally, you will wake up with straighter hair that never had the chance to curl up in the first place.

Using several bands 

Using several bands for hair straightening
Using several bands for hair straightening. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Another mechanical method for permanent hair smoothening at home naturally is to make your hair into a ponytail or two if you have a lot of hair. Then tie it to start working on other bands from that point on. Tie the hair with another band every inch until your reach the end of the ponytail. You should not tie the bands so harshly to leave marks when opened. You can dry the hair immediately continue with this hairstyle or leave the hair overnight to achieve smoother hair in the morning. 

It would be safe to say that using these methods will not gratify you with pin-straight, salon-like straight results. However, once done repeatedly on a schedule, they will surely get you closer to your beauty goals without risking your and your hair’s health along the way. 

If you decided that permanent hair smoothening naturally would not give the straight hair of your dreams and opted to go with something more robust, your next healthiest option for permanent hair smoothening at home is smoothening masks and creams.

Which hair mask is best for smoothening the hair?

best mask for smoothening the hair
best mask for smoothening the hair. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Factory-made hair smoothening creams and masks have acted as a middle ground between the naturality of homemade remedies and the fully-fledged hair smoothening treatments for years now. They offer feasible straightening while not completely changing the structure of your hair and can be applied relatively fast and easy, from the comfort of your home.

Finding the best option between the large pool of hair creams in beauty stores can indeed be a challenging task, but searching for a product that offers a versatile set of features alongside the main smoothening goals can help you find the best options for yourself. Your hair mask of choice must keep all the nourishing and protecting qualities of most creams while following a focused approach on hair smoothening. The products designed explicitly with hair straightening in mind can help you get closer to permanent hair smoothening at home while enjoying all the usual benefits of hair creams such as general shininess, protection from sunlight, and preventing frizz in humid conditions. 

Can I use any hair mask after smoothening?

It is always good to infuse the hair with all the necessary nutrients after smoothening, as it is usually more vulnerable to breakage and splits. However, applying aftercare hair masks from the same brand of products you used for permanent hair smoothening is recommended. They are primarily designed to match the chemicals already familiar with your hair and help fill in for all the substances lost during the treatment. They will also have less chance of an unusual chemical mismatch between two different sets of products on your head.

In terms of natural homemade masks, you can never go wrong. They can be applied after most hair treatments and will help maintain the moisture and make sure the smooth effects of the treatment last as long as possible. 

Having said all that, if no one could persuade you to let go of the beautiful, sleek, and pin-straight results of keratin treatments and you wanted to have the most effective process inside your home, then you shall get what you want.

Can I do keratin treatment myself?

keratin treatment
keratin treatment. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Keratin treatment kits have been the most capable category of products when it comes to permanent hair smoothening at home. Using at-home keratin treatments will save you a lot of money instead of going to a hair salon, and you will face reduced exposure to chemicals that may cause skin or respiratory problems. Over the past few years, they have improved dramatically in terms of their efficacy and ease of use and have experienced massive growth in their market share due to the pandemic. 

You will need to wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo and rinse it. Dry it with a towel but leave it damp. Apply the treatment on your hair and start massaging it to cover every strand with the product. Leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse it after. Start blowdrying and ironing the hair and wait for 48 hours until washing it with a conditioner. That is about most of the at-home keratin kits. 

The key to unleashing the full potential of keratin treatment kits is to learn how to apply them correctly. They are designed to be easy to use by intermediate beauty seekers. Still, it is definitely recommended to seek professional help or use a helping hand if it is your first time applying them yourself. Pay attention to the instructions that come with the products and perform the hair smoothening in a room with a lot of space and good airflow. Using face masks could also be an excellent choice to inhale as little chemical toxicity as possible. Learning about your current hair characteristics and choosing a suitable treatment kit for your hair can also be a critical point. 

Can you do keratin treatment on curly hair?

Of course! Keratin treatments and curly hair are a match made in heaven! Depending on the level of frizziness and how curly you are, the end results may not be the straightest head of hair out there, but one thing that you be sure of is that your hair will end up much smoother and shinier. It will definitely eliminate the little frizzy hair flyaways that surround your head and help you look as close as possible to your dream beauty goals.

Keratin will replenish your curly hair with the necessary nutrients will help hydrate your strands, making everything look shinier, softer, and healthier. Once applied correctly, keratin treatments will not damage your hair further than the mentioned chemical side effects and respiratory risks.

Which Keratin Treatment Kit is best?

Keratin Treatment Kit
Keratin Treatment Kit. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Keratin treatments are fantastic alternatives for people who are not willing to spend $300 or more sitting on a salon chair for many hours, especially during a pandemic. Apart from the application complexity of permanent hair smoothening keratin treatments at home, the frizzy-haired are left with another complicated situation: choosing the most suitable kit for their hair type and environment. 

The first recommendation would be to go for a product that is free of formaldehyde as it is one of the harmful gases that is toxic to inhale. That would reduce the general risks of keratin treatments a lot. Plus, for people with strands of thicker sizes, it is suggested to choose a keratin kit that supplements the hair with additional moisturizing elements to help it hydrate and shine the hair in drier conditions. Choosing special keratin kits designed for damaged hair can be another great choice if you suffer from prior miscoloring or a straightening treatment gone wrong. They will help replenish the hair sources with smoothing ingredients to end up with hair that is smooth, soft, and healthier.  

Is permanent hair smoothening safe?

Hair smoothening is generally safer than hair straightening treatments of any sort. But they are not free of all risks and side effects. Hair smoothening uses chemicals to dissolve certain parts of hair, which results in weaker hair roots. That brings the most notable side effect of hair smoothening, chronic hair scratches and hair fall. Hair fall may not seem like a serious threat to your overall beauty, but once you get used to your straighter hair and the looks that come with it, you may try getting hair smoothening treatments more often, which can compile the weakening effects and seriously affect your hair strands. Other visible effects of weakening the hair structure may include split hair ends, dandruff, and breakage.

If you use products that contain formaldehyde, you may feel dizzy, nauseous, and have headaches, as well as get skin rashes and teary eyes. This may happen with formaldehyde-free products too, since these reactions may occur with most chemicals to certain people. 

Hair smoothening is considered reasonably safe if done not more than three times a year. Following an aftercare routine advised by a professional may increase the longevity of the treatment in a way that you would not need numerous permanent hair smoothening treatments in the first place. 

If you have made up your mind about performing permanent hair smoothening at home, we would suggest consulting a beautician around you beforehand. Beautster has brought together a large community of beauty professionals and made them available for booking directly from the palm of your hand, fast and easy! Just browse our list of hair smoothening salon around you and pick the best choice in a matter of seconds!

Explore other types of Hair Straightening with this video!

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